Assume these definitions:

// The node structure
struct SLLNode
  SLLNode *next;
  int data;

// Helper function to create a node
SLLNode *MakeSLLNode(int Data)
  SLLNode *node = new SLLNode;
  node->data = Data;
  node->next = 0;
  return node;
And a client would call it like this:
int main()
  SLLNode *sll = BuildSLL(5); // "Magic" function to create a list of length 5
  return 0;
List: A -> B -> C -> D -> E
How might you implement BuildSLL(int) iteratively?

Iterative version might look something like this:

SLLNode *BuildSLL_it(int length, char label = 'A')
  if (length == 0) // quick check
    return 0;

  SLLNode *node = MakeSLLNode(label++);
  SLLNode *head = node;
  for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
    node->next = MakeSLLNode(label++);
    node = node->next;
  return head;

Recursive version looks something like this:

SLLNode *BuildSLL_rec(int length, char label = 'A')
  if (length == 0) // base case
    return 0;

  SLLNode *node = MakeSLLNode(label);               // build the head
  node->next = BuildSLL_rec(length - 1, label + 1); // build the tail
  return node;

How about building a list in reverse iteratively?
// Build SLL in reverse, iteratively
SLLNode *BuildSLLRev_it(int length, char label = 'A')
  if (length == 0)
    return 0;

  SLLNode *head = MakeSLLNode(label++);
  for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
    SLLNode *node = MakeSLLNode(label++);
    node->next = head;
    head = node;
  return head;

How about building a list in reverse recursively? (Notice the helper function.)
// Build SLL in reverse, recursively
SLLNode *BuildSLLRev_rec(int length, char label = 'A')
  if (length == 0)
    return 0;

  SLLNode *node = MakeSLLNode(label);
  return BuildSLLRev_rec_helper(node, length - 1, label + 1);

// Helper function for recursion
SLLNode *BuildSLLRev_rec_helper(SLLNode *head, int length, char label = 'A')
  if (length == 0)
    return head;

  SLLNode *node = MakeSLLNode(label);
  node->next = head;
  return BuildSLLRev_rec_helper(node, length - 1, label + 1); 

It is not uncommon to have helper functions with recursive functions. This is usually because the client (i.e. the user, driver, etc.) isn't going to be passing anything to the function.

For example, suppose you had a singly-linked-list class in C++ called SList. The class might have a public member function named Print that prints out all of the nodes in the list, recursively. The user would simply call it like this:

  list.Print(); // No inputs
However, internally, the code would look something like this:
void SList::Print() const // Public method
  Print_rec(head_); // Assume that head_ is a private data member of the SList class

void SList::Print_rec(const SLLNode *node) const // Private helper function
  if (node)
    cout << node->data << endl; // Print the head
    Print_rec(node->next);      // Print the tail
The public method simply starts or primes the recursion. The parameter is used so that it can detect when to stop.

Also, notice how you don't check before making the recursive call:

void SList::Print_rec(const SLLNode *node) const // Private helper function
  if (node)
    cout << node->data << endl;
    if (node->next)             // <-------- Don't do this!
The check is already in place at the top of the function. This just needlessly complicates things. If that one extra call is too expensive to make, then you shouldn't be using recursion in the first place.

Another thing that beginners tend to do is this:

void SList::Print_rec(const SLLNode *node) const // Private helper function
  if (node->next) // When node is NULL (and it will be at some point) this is bad!
   . . .

Finally, you've got to be careful when using recursion, especially when iteration is just as easy to implement. (Not always the case.) In the printing example above, it the list is very long, it can easily overflow the stack with too many recursive calls.